We support 100% Tobacco-Free school campuses.
Everybody. All the time. Everywhere.
Tobacco Addiction Resources
Kentucky's Tobacco Quit Line
Quit Now Kentucky is a bilingual service that provides tobacco screening, assessment, support materials, and proactive counseling.
Call 1-800-QuitNow (1-800-784-8669)
Visit www.QuitNowKentucky.org
Free Teen Tobacco Cessation
My Life My Quit is a free tobacco cessation program for teens and youth. This program educates about the truth of tobacco products and vaping. Text "Start My Quit" to 855.891.9989 or call to talk to a quitting coach.
Visit www.mylifemyquit.com
Freedom From Smoking
The Freedom From Smoking (FFS) Cessation Program is ranked one of the top cessation programs in the country. The American Lung Association, Freedom From Smoking program has been helping people stop smoking for over 35 years. This smoking cessation program is one of the top ranked cessation programs in the country, with 51% success rate at the end of the program. Our sessions are facilitated by Barren River District Health Department health educators who are trained Tobacco Treatment Specialists.
Visit www.freedomfromsmoking.org to learn more.
Breathe Easy Franklin-Simpson
Breath Easy Franklin-Simpson is a multi-media project by the Barren River District Health Department taking place in Simpson County over the course of 5 years. The goal of this project is to get a majority vote for a smoke-free ordinance in the city of Franklin, Kentucky. So far, BRDHD has created two Public Service Announcements to bring awareness to the dangers of smoking and vaping for youth in Simpson County.