Disaster Preparedness

Disaster could strike anywhere, at any time. Being prepared for any type of emergency is key to survival. Roles of our disaster preparedness branch include:
Collaborate with agencies throughout our district to plan for disasters and design and participate in disaster drills to test capabilities.
Provide education to partner agencies and the public on our existing response plans and procedures in place to respond to disasters.
Design, develop, and implement an emergency plan based on the National Association of County & City Health Officials‘ (NACCHO) Project Public Health Ready (PPHR) criteria for BRDHD staff and volunteers to be used during a man-made or natural disaster.
Involved in monthly Healthcare Emergency Area 4 Response Team (HEART) meetings with regional hospitals, EMS, mental health, coroners, American Red Cross, Emergency Management, local health departments, and long term care facilities to develop plans and protocols for Region 4 response
Implement the National Incident Management System(NIMS). This is a document written by Homeland Security that instructs all local, state, and federal agencies how to effectively respond to an incident
Establish relationships with community leaders and partner organizations for on-going assessment and enhancement of disaster preparedness.
Respond to public health emergencies.
Serve on community-based committees that deal with issues related to disaster preparedness.
Teach basic disaster preparedness to the community and facilitate trainings for first responders.
Coordinate ReadyOp, a communication system in place to alert staff and community partners on a 24/7 basis.